Automatic coagulometer
Bio-Xel 6100
Ability to add samples obtained from the patient, in random access at any time without stopping the analyzer
All determinations are made from primary test tubes (tube extracted from the centrifuge, without transfusion and intermediate containers)
Bio-Xel 6100 performs all coagulological determinations using the following methods: chronometric, chromogenic and immunochemical
Research menu:
Prothrombin time + fibrinogen
Activated partial thromboplastin time
Thrombin time
Fibrinogen (Claus method)
Coagulation factors (II, V, VII, VIII, X, XI, XII)
Antithrombin III
P protein- C
Prevention of contamination - separate dosing needles are used for sera and reagents
Possibility of carrying out the single measurement, duplicated (according to the European norms) or in any quantity
In the case of critical values, it is possible to automatically repeat the study
Automatic calibration with the ability to save nominal and critical values
Automatic turbidity compensation (possibility of studying lipemic, jaundiced and hemolyzed plasma)
Quality control: Levi-Jennings chart
Two-way data exchange with LIS (type of research and patient data), the ability to connect an external printer
Measurement results:
Productivity: RT + fibrinogen - 70 res. / year,
APTT - 45 res. / year
Send results to LIS and computer network for printing on a printer
Beep warning when results are out of range
Printing results from the list, in the form of a report as well
quality control results (Levi-Jennings chart)
Additional Information:
Cooling unit with reagents
Color touch screen
Interface languages: Ukrainian, English
Ability to use an external or internal barcode scanner
Dimensions: 70 x 50 x 40 cm (W x D x H)
Weight: 35 kg.
Requirements for power grids:
220/230 V, 200VA