Biochemical express analyzer of dry chemistry Dri-Chem NX500
Dri-Chem NX500 from the Japanese company Fujifilm biochemical analyzer of dry chemistry on test slides will help reduce the time to perform tests. The optimal range of tests, the small size of the device and the ease of analysis are well suited for small laboratories with a small flow of research. The system combines two basic principles of measurement: colorimetric - for biochemical tests and potentiometric - for the determination of electrolytes.
Features and benefits
High speed research - performance up to 120 tests per hour
Easy to perform research - the device can work not only specialists in laboratory diagnostics, but also paramedics
The optimal range of tests
Does not require connection to water - the device uses "dry chemistry" technology
Each test slide is individually packaged
No traditional calibration is required - everything is calibrated at the factory
Ability to use test tubes from different manufacturers
Shelf life of tests is more than 1 year
Automatic reset of test slides and tips
The analyzer works with serum, plasma and urine
Automatic recognition of test slides
The results of the research completely coincide with the results of "wet chemistry"
Easy to use

Set a test slide

Install the sample tripod

Click the "Start" button
Test menu
Measuring range
FDC ALB-PS 24 (albumin)
FDC ALPPIIIS 24 (alkaline phosphatase)
FDC BUN-PIIIS 24 (urea nitrogen)
FDC CAPIIIS 24 (calcium)
FDC CHE-PS 24 (cholinesterase)
FDC CKMB-P S 24 (creatine kinase-MB)
FDC CPKPIIIS 24 (creatinine phosphokinase)
FDC CREPIIIS 24 (creatinine)
FDC CRPSIIIS 24 (C-reactive protein)
FDC DBILPIIS (direct bilirubin)
FDC GGTPIIIS 24 (gamma-glutamyltransferase)
FDC GLU-PIIIS 24 (glucose)
FDC GOTPIIIS 24 (aspartate aminotransferase)
FDC GPTPIIIS 24 (alanine aminotransferase)
FDC IP-PS S 24 (inorganic phosphorus)
FDC LAPPS S 24 (leucine aminopeptidase)
FDC LDHPIIIS 24 (lactate dehydrogenase)
FDC MGPIIIS 24 (magnesium)
FDC NAKCL S 24 (Na, K, Cl)
FDC NH3-PIIS 24 (ammonia in serum or plasma)
FDC NH3-WIIS 24 (whole blood ammonia)
FDC TBILPIIIS 24 1 J EX (total bilirubin)
FDC TCHO-PIIIS 24 (total cholesterol)
FDC TGPIIIS 24 (triglyceride)
FDC TPPIIIS 24 (total protein)
FDC UAPIIIS 24 (uric acid)
FDC AMYLPIIIS 24 (amylase)
FDC TCO2 24 1 J EX (total carbon dioxide)
FDC LIP PS 24 1 J EX (pancreatic lipase)
24 tests / pack
10-60 g / l
24 tests / pack
50-3500 units / l
24 tests / pack
1.79-49-98 mmol / L
24 tests / pack
1.00-4.00 mmol / l
24 tests / pack
5-500 units per liter
24 tests / pack
1-300 units per liter
24 tests / pack
10-2000 units
24 tests / pack
18-2122 mmol / L
24 tests / pack
3-70 mg / l
24 tests / pack
2274 mmol / l
24 tests / pack
10-1200 units
24 tests / pack
0.6-3.33 mmol / L
24 tests / pack
10-1000 units
24 tests / pack
10-1000 units
24 tests / pack
0.16-4.84 mmol / L
24 tests / pack
10-500 units / l
24 tests / pack
50-900 units / liter
24 tests / pack
0.08-2.88 mmol / L
24 tests / pack
75-250; 1-14; 50-175 mmol / L
24 tests / pack
7-357 μmol / L
24 tests / pack
7-357 μmol / L
24 tests / pack
3-513 μmol / L
24 tests / pack
1.29-11.64 μmol / L
24 tests / pack
0.11-5.56 mmol / L
24 tests / pack
20-110 g / l
24 tests / pack
30-1071 μmol / L
24 tests / pack
0.26-2.84 mmol / L
24 tests / pack
10-1600 units
24 tests / pack
24 tests / pack